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Showing 1 - 10 of 20 Results

Top Rated
Professional Musician

Aegon Targaryen

I'm a highly acclaimed violinist and pianist with over 12 years of experience in classical music. I've had the privilege of performing at prestigious venues worldwide, including Carnegie Hall and the Royal Albert Hall. My passion for music drives me to deliver captivating performances that resonate with audiences.
Paris, FranceIndividual12 Years +

Available Now

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 60,000+
Hourly Rate: $35.00
Rising Talent
Master Chef

Cregan Stark

I'm a talented chef specializing in French cuisine. My passion for cooking led me to pursue a culinary education at Le Cordon Bleu. Over the past decade, I've honed my skills and developed a unique culinary style that blends traditional techniques with modern flavors. I'm known for creating memorable dining experiences through creative menus and exquisite dishes.
Paris, FranceIndividual10 years

Available Now

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 40,000+
Hourly Rate: $30.00
Top Rated Plus
Event Planner

Damon Targaryen

I am an experienced event planner with a decade of expertise in organizing corporate and social events. My background in event management from Sorbonne University has equipped me with the skills to handle all aspects of event planning, from conceptualization to execution. I pride myself on delivering seamless and unforgettable experiences for my clients.
Paris, FranceAgency10 years

Not Available

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 50,000+
Hourly Rate: $25.00
Top Rated
Professional Photographer

Ivar Lothbrok

I am a professional photographer specializing in capturing timeless moments. With nearly a decade of experience in photography, I have developed a keen eye for composition and lighting. My work is known for its emotional depth and storytelling quality, whether I'm photographing weddings, corporate events, or fashion editorials.
Paris, FranceIndividual9 years

Available Now

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 70,000+
Hourly Rate: $40.00
Top Rated Plus
Professional Dancer

Rhaenyra Targaryen

I am a professional dancer with a passion for modern dance and choreography. My journey in dance began at the Paris Opera Ballet School, where I honed my skills in ballet and contemporary dance. Over the past decade, I have performed in various productions and festivals, showcasing my versatility and artistry on stage.
Paris, FranceIndividual11 years

Available Now

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 80,000+
Hourly Rate: $45.00
Top Rated
Sound Engineer

John Snow

I am a skilled sound engineer with a passion for creating immersive audio experiences. With a background in audio engineering from École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière, I specialize in live sound mixing and studio recording. Whether I'm working on concerts, film productions, or studio albums, my goal is to deliver high-quality sound that captivates audiences.
Paris, FranceIndividual6 years

Available Now

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 60,000+
Hourly Rate: $35.00
Top Rated
Marketing Specialist

Arya Stark

I am a results-driven marketing specialist with a focus on digital marketing and brand management. My background in marketing from Sorbonne University, coupled with hands-on experience in digital campaigns and content creation, allows me to develop effective marketing strategies that drive brand awareness and engagement.
Paris, FranceAgency5 years

Not Available

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 40,000+
Hourly Rate: $25.00
Top Rated Plus
Hospitality Manager

Margaery Tyrell

I am a dedicated hospitality manager with a passion for delivering exceptional guest experiences. My education in Hospitality Management from École Hôtelière de Lausanne, combined with years of hands-on experience in luxury hotels, has equipped me with the skills to oversee all aspects of hotel operations and ensure guest satisfaction.
Paris, FranceIndividual4 years

Available Now

Success Rate:


Total Earnings: 30,000+
Hourly Rate: $20.00